Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors Taskforce Suicide Prevention Project
Locally developed, place-based suicide prevention interventions
This project has progressed out of the work of Suicide Prevention Action Planning Group (SPCAP) that commenced in 2017, and the subsequent formation of the Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors Suicide Prevention Taskforce (GWCOM Suicide Prevention Taskforce).
In 2021, following a co-design forum facilitated by the GWCOM Suicide Prevention Taskforce, NQPHN provided project funding to the Greater Whitsunday Council of Mayors Suicide Prevention Taskforce to develop solutions for individuals who are in mental health distress, at risk of suicide and experiencing difficulty accessing and navigating services. The project deliverable was to develop an innovative model of support which facilitates navigation, bridges identified gaps and increases collaboration across the Greater Whitsunday region.
Greater Whitsunday Communities (GWC), as the peak regional body for social development, was
engaged by the Taskforce to recruit a Project Officer equipped with the existing local knowledge, skills and confidence to lead a codesign process that would support regional communities to develop solutions.
“what has been developed is a community-led, early intervention suicide prevention pilot model, co-designed by community, industry, and government representatives from across the Greater Whitsunday footprint, and is intended to help our people find the right option, at the right time”

Project Updates
Watch Pathways Connect video to find out how you can support this project to get off the ground in your community.