Isaac Youth Unmet Needs
Capturing young people’s voice across the Isaac
Phase one:
We were engaged by Isaac Regional Council to undertake research to better understand the unmet needs of young people aged 10-18 in the Isaac Region. The aim of this research was to collaboratively identify and analyse the regional needs of the young people.
This research sought the knowledge and experiences of agencies and staff who work directly with young people to understand the issues and unmet sector needs via focus group discussions, formal anonymous surveys, and community consultation on the findings thereof.
Young people and their parents were engaged in the research to better understand their strengths, factors that have contributed to their resilience and how they believe their lives could be more positively impacted in order for them to move forward and thrive.
A final Isaac Youth Unmet Needs report was completed June 2021 and presented to Isaac Regional Council
Phase Two:
GWCommunities has been approached by the Isaac Regional Council to conduct Phase Two of the Isaac Youth Unmet Needs Project. This work will build off that which has been captured in the recently released Snapshot document, available on our website here or via the Isaac Regional Council website. This will involve a series of satellite community check-ins with individual communities across the region to validate that the data is still relevant and to identify specific priority areas for each community. The Youth Unmet Needs will require a whole of community approach which is hoped to be supported through an upcoming regional youth summit.