Action Plan

This Action Plan is an outcome of the Housing Summit that took place in Mackay on 15 August. It does not replace the recommendations in the Greater Whitsunday Housing Playbook. The intention is that a Housing Alliance be formed to develop a Housing Roadmap that will be informed by the Playbook and this Action Plan.

Stakeholders identified in the Stakeholder Participation column in the Action Plan have been selected because we believe they can add value to progressing the solution, but participation still needs to be confirmed with the nominated stakeholders. Anyone else interested in being part of the stakeholder group is welcome to self-nominate by contacting .

This Action Plan is being shared to highlight the outcomes of the Housing Summit and seek feedback. It can be a “live” document that evolves as solutions progress.

The relevant actions cannot progress without an entity driving and co-ordinating the activities. GWC and RDA GW are in the process of developing an operational model for a Housing Alliance and will then seek funding contributions from regional stakeholders to stand the Housing Alliance up.

Your feedback is welcome.

Click above image to see the Action Plan

Lauren Pattie